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13 Years Ago Today Darius Performed In Popstar To Operastar's Semi-Final

On this day in 2010 Darius performed in the semi-final of ITV's Popstar To Operastar.

He sang "Fin ch'han dal vino" - The Champagne Aria from Don Giovanni and received 20.9% of the viewer's votes and so went through to the final of the show along with Bernie Nolan.

This aria is one of the shortest of Mozart's operas, lasting just two minutes but it is key to understanding Don Giovanni's character, namely; his taste for the festivities, his desire to seduce and his inexhaustible energy.

Darius was a little unsure about performing the aria, but after speaking with his mentors Rolando Villazón and Katherine Jenkins he went ahead and gave a stunning rendition.

You can watch his performance and clips of his rehearsals for the show below:


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1 Comment

Glynis Chapman
Feb 13, 2023

Beautiful I love his voice in this lower register it suits him

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