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'Funny Girl' Tour in Birmingham, May 2017

🦋 On this day in 2017 Darius and Sheridan Smith performed in the opening night of ‘Funny Girl’ at the Hippodrome in Birmingham. ❤️

Some review extracts:

"Darius Campbell is a suave Nick Arnstein, sweeping both Brice and the entire audience off their feet with his deep, rich voice." - Style Birmingham

"Darius Campbell is tall, dark and handsome as the gambling international man-about-town, Nick Arnstein. He is charm itself with a lovely voice for the duets with Brice." - What’s On Birmingham

"Darius Campbell is the perfect straight man for this comedy as the sophisticated gambler and socialite Nick Arnstein as he first woos and then marries Fanny.

Their scenes together, with him the perfect charmer and her his clumsy target, are a joy to watch." - The Express and Star

"Darius Campbell as Nick Arnstein is every inch the suave, sophisticated, handsome millionaire, with a voice as smooth as the silk on his top hat and perfect chemistry with Sheridan Smith." -Behind The Arras

"Darius Campbell oozes charm in his role as Nick Arnstein and equally breaks hearts when his marriage to Fanny takes a turn for the worst." - Lichfield Live

"Darius Campbell is suavely convincing as Nick Arnstein." - The Reviews Hub


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