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'Funny Girl' Tour in Edinburgh, April 2017

🦋 On this day in 2017 Darius was performing on the opening night of 'Funny Girl' at the Edinburgh Playhouse.

He also appeared on STV's 'Five Live' to chat about the show ahead of the first performance and you can watch a clip of that interview below ❤️

Reviews of the show in Edinburgh:

"Darius Campbell swoons in the spotlight as the leading man. A voice so divinely deep that the theatre trembles with every line. A talent as tall as his skyscraper height. He never gets left behind and matches wonderfully as the other half." - Broadway World.

"Another famous face to appear in this performance is Darius Campbell, who is well cast as Nick Arnstein. It’s easy to be cynical about the casting of “names” in shows, but Campbell’s portrayal is immaculate – emotionally complex, charismatic, funny and moving." - The Wee Review

"The staging is unobtrusively brilliant, the dance is exhilarating, and the supporting performances – above all from Darius Campbell as Arnstein, and Rachel Izen as Fanny’s mother – are flawless; and it’s hardly surprising that this gem of a show, starring a woman of blazing talent whose recent roles range from Cilla Black on television to Hedda Gabler on stage, is attracting capacity crowds to the 3,000-seat Playhouse, every night of the week." - The Scotsman

"Darius Campbell plays with undeniable weight (and height) the troubled, once devil-may-care husband, Nicky Arnstein. Somber, seductive and supportive, he strides alongside Smith in a perfect performance." - The Edinburgh Guide

"Funny Girl is one of the best productions I have seen on stage in a long time – largely due to the two actors in the leading roles: Sheridan Smith and Darius Campbell.

While Darius Campbell is her perfect match in this production. He was excellent as the very charming Nick Arnstein and his singing voice is incredible. The success he has had in a number of hit musicals has been well-deserved." - Fife Today



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