Darius was interviewed in the January 2003 issue of CD:UK magazine about his album 'Dive In'.
What's the score then Darius?
"With some pop albums, you've heard two good songs so you go buy the album. And then you find out the two songs you liked are the only two good songs on it! The reason is that all the others are just filler."
Don't the stars care about us?
The stars do. I think it's more that the major labels don't care about the music. They just want to shift units. They sell albums like tins of beans with half written songs on them - it's like a half finished album, just in clever packaging."
What makes you different, Big D?
"I'm so happy to be doing my guitar music and that I'm able to help write and produce too. I've made an album. that's about the music"
So why should we buy yours them? "There are two scorchers on the album which will never be released as singles - so that the album's got that something extra special."