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INTERVIEW: The Many Faces Of Darius - Top Of The Pops Magazine - November 2002

The following interview with Darius was published in Top Of The Pops Magazine in December 2002.

You can click on the photos to read the article or read it in text below:

Mr Showbiz

What's the best showbiz bash you've ever been to?

I had dinner with Catherine Zeta Jones, Michael Douglas and Sean Connery once! It was three years ago, before Popstars and everything and I was sat right next to Michael Douglas and opposite Catherine. He said "Do you want me to take a photo of you and Catherine?" and I was gobsmacked. How sweet was that? There were loads of politicians there cos it was the night before the Scottish election. Sean Connery's my idol so I was completely in awe the whole night. it was amazing!

If the record company said you'd get more fans if you grew back your hair and beard, would you do it?

No way, I'm my own man! The reason I'm with this record company is because I don't have to live by anyone else's rules or expectations. I don't want to be moulded - I make my own music, I have creative control and I'm going in the direction I want to go. I'm not a pop puppet.

So what wouldn't you do for fame?

There's not much I would do for fame to be honest. I used to be a bit distracted by the glitz and the glamour of it all, but not anymore. There's no way I'd go after publicity the way some celebrities do.

Good on ya, mate! But have you had any drunken shockers since you've been in the public eye?

No! I work hard and I play hard too - but I'm very discreet about my partying. I used to organise club nights in Glasgow and Edinburgh so when I have a big night we'll take over a club and I'll invite 100 of my mates. Or we'll have a mad house party and stay up all night. There will be no press to harass me or take sneaky snaps cos only my mates will know about it.

Mr Chilled

How would you spend the perfect chilled night in?

I'd spend it at home in my flat chatting to some friends. I'd be wearing something cosy like battered-up jeans, an open-neck shirt and bare feet, drinking cranberry juice and listening to chilled music. Or maybe it'd be a romantic evening in with a girl. Watching videos would be cool. I really enjoy cooking so I'd make us a nice Italian meal or a stir-fry - definitely not a jam sandwich!

Hmm...lovely! do you keep your head in an argument or do you go ballistic?

Whenever I lose it, I lose it badly and things get broken. I'm very passionate so I'm quite free with my emotions, but because I'm so open with people it's rare that I argue. I don't have to have the last word either. When I've made my feelings known I stand down and apologise if I offended anyone. I smashed my guitar a while ago when I was angry! it was an old battered guitar but I regretted it afterwards.

Have you ever meditated?

That depends on what you mean by meditation! Meditation can be switching off the radio in the car or composing yourself just before you start a photo shoot. I've done both of those before, but nothing more.

Mr Cheese

When was the last time you winked at a girl?

What? Sorry, but I don't think winking is cool at all! If you wink when you are trying to be charming I think that's far too cheesy.

Have you ever serenaded a girl?

Yes - when I was 13. It was the end of school and this girl took me to the music department for some privacy but every room was busy. So she grabbed me and pulled me into the music cupboard. I sat cross-legged on the floor with my guitar and she sat on a big box listening. It was a song I'd written especially for her too, but I didn't end up going out with her or anything. I don't think my songwriting was up to much back then - it's getting better now though!

If a girl asked you to shave your chest, would you?

No, but I did wax it a while ago for a bet! My mates said they'd wax their chests if i didn't get to No 1 bud I had to wax mine if I did. I thought Colourblind would go to top five at the most, but never No 1. So I agreed and had to wax it. It was agony!

Would you wear Speedos if a girl asked you to?

Absolutely not! I think if I literally lived up to my nickname, Big D, then it wouldn't be a good thing to do.

Mr Joker

Do you do any impressions (other than Britney)?

(Putting on a brilliant accent) Easy now - respec'! This is Ali G in da house - and me has de maximum respec' for the Top Of Da Pops. I is biggin' up da fact that I had a No 1. (losing the accent) And I can also do Sean Connery!

So have you ever wet yourself with laughter?

Oh dear! I think I was eight years old at the time when my little brother and my uncle decided to tickle me. I've never peed myself so bad! I'll never be able to live that one down - they never let me forget about it either!

Where are you most ticklish?

Ooh now that would be telling! Ha-ha! it's only for the girl with wandering hands to find out. Sorry!

Who has you in stitches?

My little brother, Cyrus and Ali G. They're the funniest people in the world! I was a bit disappointed with the Ali G movie when I saw it because it's not as good as the television series. But it's still funny!

Mr Charming

Do you always call a girl when you say you will?

Absolutely! When I was 16 this girl said she'd call and she never did. I was holding on for so long, in fact I'm still waiting! I could never do it to anyone else - it's just too cruel.

Do you ever lie in interviews?

Yeah - whenever I get asked an awkward question! If you were to ask me what I honestly thought of Hear'Say and Liberty X I would tell you that I wish them the best of luck with their careers. I know what it's like to be up and down in the public eye like they've both been. Unless someone's wronged me really badly I've not got any bad things to say.

Can you remember the last time you tried to chat up a girl who wasn't having any of it?

If I try hard at something I always end up bumbling it! The last time was about two years ago when I used a chat-up line on a girl. I said "I might not be Fred Flintstone but I know how to make your bedrock." She just stared at me, laughed and said, "You're trying too hard - just be yourself." She was so right. We actually ended up going out - it was great!


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