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INTERVIEW: Top Of The Pops Lottery With Darius - Top Of The Pops Magazine - July 2002

In July 2002 Darius was interviewed by the teen music magazine Top Of The Pops for their regualr 'Lottery' article. You can read the full interview below in text or by clicking on a photo below:

Have you ever had your heart broken?

I have. I was 14 and there was this girl at school who I really fancied. We were friends and I ended up really falling for her, but then she began going out with one of my mates. It was at the time when I was learning to play guitar and I wrote her a love song but it obviously wasn't very good because I didn't get her! When I played it to her, she cried.

What would you have done if Nicki Chapman had come onto you?

Oh, I don't know. Me and Nicki go back to the Popstars days. I remember when we had an argument once about a song that they wanted me to sing and I had to apologise to her. When I did that I pecked her on the cheek, but that's the closest I've ever been to physical contact! We have a great professional relationship, so I don't know what i'd do if she came onto me. I also know her husband far too well!

If you could endorse three products what would they be?

I don't believe in product endorsement as I think it's a bit crass. I think Gareth is prefect for the Pepsi campaign, but it's not my bag. I'm here for the music. But if someone offered me a lot of money that I could put to a better use, like charity, then maybe I'd contribute.

How many children do you want to have?

Before my third brother was born I could never have imagined having kids. But since he came into the world, I've been totally taken by children. He called me dad before he even said it to my father, because I was always around. I love kids, but that's way down the line!

Where do you like to be kissed?

On the neck! In general I like to be kissed in sensitive areas. I'm a very tactile and cuddly person. If I was dating someone I'd be very affectionate. I'm quite tall, so I always feel very protective towards girls. I feel they can always cuddle into me and feel quite secure.

Have you ever farted and followed through?

Eurgh! Do you know what, I think I did when I was about five. I'd just eaten my first proper Indian curry and I had a bit of an embarassing incident at school. I had diarrhoea. I just made it to the loo in time, but everyone saw me run out of the classroom holding my pants. From then on I was called Thunderpants!

What food wouldn't you eat when you were younger?

Brussles sprouts, cabbage, mushrooms and all those standard foods! My mum used to try to force me to eat them by mashing up cabbage into mashed potato with salad cream. What was she thinking of? Thank god for Jamie Oliver!

Do you have a pair of lucky pulling pants?

I do have a pair of lucky Tasmanian Devil boxers that were given to me when we did the Pop Idol tour. Whenever I wore them I had women's underwear thrown at me on stage. I can't tell you who gave them to me- it was a female friend and somebody you might know from the show! But she's just a friend.

If you'd only reached the last 50 of Pop Idol, would you have applied for the next competition?

No, because I actually wrote Colourblind at the beginning of the Pop Idol auditions. As fate would have it, that single is now being released at the end of July. I think coming third is a great achievement. I'd carried on writing because it's all about the writing for me. While I was auditioning, I was still working in the studio.

Gucci or Gap?

I wear mostly high street stuff, When I was a student. I didn't have a very big budget, so I'd buy stuff from second hand stores. A lot of current designer stuff is worn and ripped anyway! Nowadays I like to buy something old and match it up with a Gucci shirt.

What recent song do you wish had been yours?

I love so many different songs in the charts at the moment. I also love Enrique's Hero, as well as Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. My music is going to be somewhere in between that so watch out!

Has a girl ever shown shock at your naked form?

Shock? I hope not, and if she has, i hope it was for the right reasons! I'm not embarrassed about my body, but i do have my insecurities. I used to play a lot of rugby and was very broad, but I've lost a lot of muscle weight over the last three years. I want to start going to the gym again. I've got a nine month plan. My brother has been on it and now we call him The Pitt because he looks like he's got Brad Pitt's body.

Do you have a particular side of the bed?

I don't actually. Most of the time I end up getting kicked out of the bed because I steal all the covers. I'm a big guy so I need covers. Sometimes, if I'm in a small bed, I have to sleep diagonally.

Will and Gareth are both very religious, are you too?

My dad is Muslim and my mum is Christian, so I was brought up going to church. So I suppose you could call me a Christian enlightened by the teaching of other religions. I'm quite open to readings of Buddhism and Catholicism. I wouldn't say that I'm religious as such, but I'm a spiritual person and I believe in God.

Were you a real smarty-pants when you were a kid?

I did ask a lot of questions as a child, I'd always be asking questions like "Why is the sky blue?" I'd drive my parents mental. It's worked to my benefit, because now I really question the working of the music business. I actually taught myself to play the guitar. I always liked to do my own thing and I hated being told what to do.

Do you thank your lucky stars you didn't end up in Hear'say?

I'm very thankful to be where i am. I couldn't imagine doing anything else right now. At the time Popstars ended. I was disappointed but to be honest, Hear'say's music wasn't my ballpark. You know I'd listen to it but I wouldn't sing it. If I had sung Pure and Simple it would have been called Dirty and Complicated.


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