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Darius Reveals The Truth 

CD:UK Magazine

November 2002


Hi D. You’re a busy chappie but we bet you’ve squeezed in some Popstars:The Rivals watching ?

 Yup! I didn’t think I’d be interested but I’m hooked. I think it’s awesome! It’s such compulsive viewing.

How do you think it compares with Popstars and Pop Idol ?

I’m glad I went through the first one – it was new and unique. Now it’s an old churned out formula. Top TV tho!

You knew Pete Waterman from Pop Idol. What’s it like watching him in Popstars: The Rivals ?

Great!  He’s got such a good ear for music. If I was Will or Gareth and I wanted advice, I would definitely ask Pete!  He’s the guru of pop.

What about the other judges? Gossip! Whaddya think of Geri…..?

 I like her energy and determination. She seems to have taken the Nicki Chapman role of being the nice lady.

 Is she the kinda lady you’d like to have on your arm?

I think the way she’s changed her image is fantastic, however for my personal taste, it’s too much. I prefer more normal looking girls.

D’ya reckon you’ll ever be a pop judge?

No, never! I can’t think of anything worse! Not for all the money in the world. I don’t think I could criticise anyone – I’m a baby in the business, so I’m still learning.

Nasty Nige and the media were hard on you. But you went back to Pop Idol …..

Yeah, my parents were worried about me being ripped apart again. But I thought about Robbie – he’d been ripped apart even at the peak of his career. I had to follow my dream.

How did ya deal with the grief?

I was bullied as a kid, so I think if someone forms an opinion, it’s hard to persuade them otherwise. I made mistakes on Popstars, so I listened to the criticism and learned.

Simon Cowell said Gaz was easier to manage than you.

He’s right. I’d have been unmanageable to him because I don’t fit into his boyband mould. I do my own thing.


How would you sum up your own Popstars and Pop Idol experiences?

It’s been like going from a nightmare to a dream. The public opinion of me’s literally done a 180 turn. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to be given the opportunity to come across the way I really am.

You’re proper famous these days – d’ya ever wish you could go back to being just Darius?

No way! I’m doing what I always dreamed of. It outweighs wanting to go back to normal. It’s fantastic!

So has your lovelife changed?

Yeah! ‘Cause I don’t have one now!  It’s difficult to approach girls – you’re never sure if they’re attracted to you, or to the situation you’re in. Any relationship would be under loads of scrutiny but although I’ve yet to know what it’s like, it doesn’t put me off. 

Idol Advice

“Be yourself. It doesn’t matter how talented you are if you’re not yourself – it’ll seep through at some point and it’ll be your downfall. I’m lucky. I realised that. I saw Pop Idol as a chance to develop as a solo artist. I turned up with my guitar ready to perform Colourblind, but they told me I couldn’t play original music. How ironic that my first number one should be that song exactly one year later!”

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