Holding Out For A Hero
TV Hits
November 2004​
He was gone, but not forgotten and now he's back! We asked Darius just why we should be so excited by his return...
Blimey Big D, where have you been all this time?
I've been working hard! This time last year I had just started writing the album. I played the songs to my parents, and for the first time in my life I wasn't proud of my work, so I didn't want to release it. I went away for a few months and came up with something I was happy with. I think the songs on the new album, Live Twice are the best I've ever written.
It's been all work, work, work...
Kinda. In February my dad was diagnosed with cancer, so I spent a lot of time with him instead of working. He's still quite ill, but positive in his mind, and the album is dedicated to him. He said to me recently, "Darius, I fight to live, to see the achievements of my children and I want to see you continue pursuing your dream." So now, I'm back.
Good job too! Did you 'do America'?
(Laughs) Yeah I was recording over there earlier in the year and ended up hanging out with Jay Kay. We saw each other in the pool at the Mondrian Hotel in LA one Saturday afternoon, and spent a lot of time together after that. He said to me, "Let's go out for food, my treat." Guess where he took me? KFC!
He's got the right idea, though - eat cheaply and have more money for flash cars! Simon Cowell invited me out for dinner too but I couldn't make it. Hopefully now that he is in the UK I can catch up with him. He's not arrogant like people might expect - he's lovely actually!
Any more celeb chums?
Tara Plamer-Tomkinson is a mate of mine. She is one of the nuttiest but sweetest people I've ever met (laughs). I went to a really great party recently at a mate's house. He's a friend of 50 Cent, so 50 came over with his crew. I was like, "So what do I call you?" and 50 Cent says, "Just call me Fiddy, man." We sat there drinking tea together. He loves English tea.
So you're hanging out with the A-list now, any hissy fits?
No way! I still get the tube everywhere and I never get hassled. I've got a black marker I carry with me and feel grateful if I'm asked for an autograph. I love all that! I'm not really worried about paparazzi stuff. It's quite fun. It's unbelievable what people want to see though, I mean photos of someone at the launderette! Why does anyone want to see that?!
Cos we might see your smalls of course! When was the last time you got embarrassed?
It was when I got an email from a mate about that photo of me on the internet. Have you seen it? Basically, I'm on stage and I got this young girl up there so I could sing 'Happy Birthday' to her. Of course I had to get down on my knees to sing to her, but I never saw the paparazzo lying flat on the ground with his lens angled up my kilt - you could see everything! I had to laugh in the end. I would have got more stick from my mates if I had worn underwear!
How's the love life going?
I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. I broke up with my long-term girlfriend four months ago and it's just too soon to get involved with anyone else. I firmly believe that when you love someone you don't just stop loving them in a flash.
What about that girl in your new video?
Natasha Henstridge? Nothing's going on! I enjoy the company of women and like going out and having a giggle. But I'm old school and believe in etiquette, manners and doing the right thing. I love wooing a girl.
Ooh you old romantic! Have you had any weird requests from a fan?
A girl asked me to marry her! I was signing copies of my book and she said, "My boyfriend has asked me to marry him but I wanted to ask you first. If you won't marry me then I'll say yes to him."
I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but then she goes, "My boyfriend's here." I turned around and he was stood there looking kind of nervous. I called him over and had my picture taken with them both and said, "Good luck - have a nice wedding." I couldn't just go marrying someone I didn't know, could I?