Radio 1 Webchat
30th November 2002
What audience are you aiming for with the album? Is Steve Lillywhite producing the album a sign that you want to move away from the Pop Idol audience?
Well, that's the question I had to ask myself before writing the album. I decided I should focus on the music, the kind of music I was bought up on - The Beatles, Marvin Gaye, and The Beach Boys. The Beatles focused on great pop records, and that was my point of reference when I wrote the album. So far I've had feedback from girls aged six to grannies aged 60, but predominantly I get feedback from 16-35. I want to focus on the music - it's all about the songs. That's what Dive In, as an album, is all about. It'll be one of the upbeat pop albums for 2003.
I've read a few times you're a Beatles fan - what's your favourite track?
My favourite Beatles song is one that changes all the time - stick on any Beatles album and a favourite track will smack you in the face and before you know it you hit the flipside of the record and you're onto a different favourite. My favourite at the moment is A Hard Days Night. The Beatles reference is one I've held on to. Steve Lillywhite said to me, "Darius, you've got so many potentially great singles, but some of the great ones, leave them on the album, so people who listen to the album will feel they are part of something bigger." With Dive In I'm lucky to have a great bunch of people supporting me, and I hope it stands on its own as a piece of work, but that individual songs are still strong.
I'd like to know if you have a favourite track from Dive In - and if so, why?
I don't - again, it's something that keeps changing. It was Colourblind, then it was the song Dive In, and then Gotta Know Tonight. At the moment it's Girl in the Moon - that song has a strong sentiment.
I heard you wrote Rushes on the back of bus tickets, is this true?
I've got five bus tickets with the lyrics written down on them. I was 16 when I wrote the song. I remember the bus journey - it was on the Great Western Road. This girl got on two stops after me, and there was something very special about her. She wasn't the prettiest girl on the bus but she had this thing and it was magic and I got caught up in it. So, the song was about a crush on a girl, but now it's about the adrenaline rush I get on stage, connecting with the audience. The girl I wrote it about has moved to Europe somewhere so there won't be any girls in my home town wondering if the song is about them!
I love the album sooooo much! I’m very curious about some of the songs like Better Than That and Mockingbird - what inspired you to write those lyrics?
Better Than That was inspired by a girl I knew who was abusing herself, in a very tough relationship, and she came to me for help and I turned out to be the protective figure in the relationship. It was a non-sexual relationship - she was in a relationship with another guy. So it was a song about wanting to protect this girl who was unfortunately involved in drugs and things, and I tried to support her. It was a wake up call, saying, you're better than that. Mocking Bird is about a girl I knew who was being abused by her father. It was a tricky subject to handle - a really depressing situation to be in - and I was frustrated because I was watching this girl being badly treated, but I wanted to treat the song in a happy way because the situation had a positive resolve. The hook comes from the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
What did it feel like going on TOTP to sing Colourblind?
TOTP was a lifelong dream, since the age of 8 when I watched it and remember seeing Wham! and thinking - wow! That's so cool! I wanna be doing that! I remember telling Mum I wanted to be on TOTP when I'm big. She asked me what I'd like to sing, and I said, Coma a Chameleon - cos I didn't know it was Karma Chameleon! It was a dream. I didn't realise it would happen so soon. I think having the No.1 - there's nothing much that beats it other than skydiving naked while making out and eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream! It was a relief as well - it proved I made the right decision, when everyone was advising me to release a song off the back of Pop Idol, or release a cover, and I went against the grain. I listened to what people said but I acted on my gut instinct, which was to stay true to the idea of being a singer songwriter. People didn't know that because they saw me on Pop Idol - there wasn't a programme called Singer Songwriter Idol! I wanted to use the system rather than let it use me, so I wanted to release original music, and it all fell into place. I met Steve Lillywhite, and the months have just flown past. It's been a dream!
Your recent comments about manufactured pop and you being a 'singer/songwriter' don't sit comfortably with some fans, particularly those who also like Will and Gareth. Pop Idol gave you ALL your big breaks. Is it not disrespectful to the others, and the show, to now pretend that it was all a little beneath you?
This is probably one of the most important questions anyone has asked so far. I maybe think I should clarify my position. I'm a singer songwriter and I've been writing songs since the age of about 13. Popstars and Pop Idol gave me an insight into a fascinating business, gave me a glimpse into radio, promotion, the public eye. They allowed me to find myself as a songwriter, so I could then tackle being an artist. For me to say I'd be comfortable being in a band like Hear'Say would be wrong. I'd be cheating you. That's not what I'm about, although I might like enjoy listening to their songs. Gareth and Will are my friends, but there's no comparison between me and Gareth because we are both so different. But I respect what he does. You can be a Will and Gareth fan, and still enjoy my music.
Although it's not my choice to do covers, I respect the fact that Will has done that, and he's had creative input on his album. So perhaps your comment that my view is uncomfortable with some people, if you could be a little bird on my shoulder and see the things that I see, and the way the media works from my perspective the things I say end up being different, through the media, and things I say are taken out of context. I have a lot of respect for Will and Gareth. Will has a brilliant voice. Gareth is a teen idol - I couldn't do what Gareth does. You're right - Popstars and Pop Idol gave me my break. They allowed me to further what I'm about. But the record deal wasn't because of the programmes. I met Steve Lillywhite independently, and he didn't even know about the programmes. He got back from abroad in March and offered me a record deal when he heard Colourblind. He believed in the music - he didn't see the marketing or the politics angle. He based it on the creative aspect of the music. I have a lot of respect for my experience on Popstars and Pop Idol, but I thank Steve Lillywhite for allowing me to do what I want to do.
Without 'manufactured' pop we wouldn't have had an increase in CD sales in a declining market over the years. Without Pop Idol we wouldn't have people being excited about music as they are now, and we wouldn't have young hopefuls who have bags of talent and want opportunities. I'm completely behind Pop Idol and Fame Academy, which hopefully will produce a star.
Can you tell me something about yourself that no-one else knows?
I've got a birthmark on my right arm just between my elbow and my shoulder, and it's just under my bicep - not a lot of people get to see it! That's about the only thing I can tell you without being rude!
Do you think you make a good lover? If so, why? what are the top 3 qualities you have that make you a great lover?
I'm shocked! Well, it wouldn't be my place to say whether I am a great lover or not! I haven't had any complaints. Unless I've completely overlooked any press articles, I haven't seen any kiss and tells saying I'm awful in bed...I think it would be safest to say that I don't want to answer that question! However, one former girlfriend said "Darius, you can sing and write songs, but I like it best when you don't sing anything!"
Do you have a hairy belly button?
No - I've got a landing strip of hair from my bellybutton to somewhere else! (shows belly button)
What star sign are you? Do you believe in all that rubbish?
I'm a Leo! But I would have told you I was a lion anyway, 'cos like all jungle cats I drink lots of water - about 3 litres a day!
Do you believe in destiny?
I believe in fate. I believe there's a course plotted out for us and that the decisions we make at various points in our lives determine exactly where we'll end up. I believe in going with your gut feeling and not thinking about things too much. It was kind of fateful what's happened to me in the last couple of years, going from being a figure of ridicule to being in a position where people are supporting me and giving me a second chance. Some people say I wouldn't be here if Rik Waller hadn't had a sore throat and pulled out of Pop Idol, but maybe I'd have met Steve Lillywhite anyway.
Are you more content now you're famous?
Fame's a really weird thing. When I did my first audition I was hungry for fame, but at the core of me I'm about music and I'm most content when I'm writing songs and playing songs that mean something to me and that are personal to me. When I started to get a bad press after the first auditions, I realised how sad it was - it was a machine. I think fame can make people unhappy. We live in this Big Brother culture where everyone seeks that quick fix of fame, this overnight success, which apparently leads to contentment - but it doesn't. It just creates a whole big bunch of problems you didn't have before you were famous. Robbie Willliams became super famous, but he ended up abusing himself with drugs and alcohol, before pulling through. My music and my family helped me pull through my bad press, it was being true to myself that made me content. I have creative control over what I'm doing, so I'm very content!
Do you have any plans to pose topless?
My plan is to take advantage of a gym I've just joined in the New Year, and who knows in the future what might happen?! My brother could pose topless for me 'cos he's got a body that Brad Pitt would envy. He had a nine month fitness plan that got him into shape. So give me a little while, and maybe you'll be seeing a little more of Darius!
Are you a true Scotsman when you wear a kilt?
Of course I am! But at the recent Smash Hits party there was a vicious rumour that they'd try and lift it while I was doing an interview, so I slipped on a pair of Calvin Klein briefs to ensure my modesty would be preserved! And it was - when Harvey from So Solid Crew tried to lift it up!
Do your Mum and Dad wish that you had pursued your interest in opera?
I sang when I was in my teenage years in the Scottish Opera. It was a fantastic experience. I did Carmen and others. It was my first opportunity to be on stage and it was fantastic. I love opera, and I like listening to classical music when I chill out. I like a whole load of eclectic stuff from Ms Dynamite to Missy Elliott and Nickleback. You can't really compare it with opera, so I hope my Mum and Dad realise that I'm expressing myself in a way that is creative and satisfying. So far the feedback I'm getting for the album is good. and my Mum and Dad's favourite track keeps changing! It's really encouraging to have parents who support what you do. Hopefully they feel I've made the right decision.
If you were in the Big Brother house, who would most like to have in there with you?
Darius: My little brother Cyrus, who at the age of seven is the most entertaining person you'll meet. Simon Cowell. Ben & Jerry from Ben & Jerry's ice cream - I'd talk about different recipes of ice cream! I'd also like to be with Pink, and maybe one of my old school teachers who I'd wind up rotten, to see how much I could get out of them as to what I was like as a schoolkid!
Would ever consider playing James Bond? You've got the looks, you look good in a suit and let's face it, nobody can play Bond like a Scotsman!
I was lucky enough to meet Pierce Brosnan at the Die Another Day premiere a few days ago. I can reveal he's the smoothest man I've ever met! I think Sean Connery is perhaps even more endearing and magnetic. That man is the king - you don't want to be messing with him!
Have you considered a career in acting?
The nearest I've got so far is when doing my music videos. We did one in downtown LA for Rushes, with five different camera crews, extras, lights, steam rising. It felt like I was on a feature film set.
Have you been on your website recently?
The website won an award recently, and a big thanks for Leo and all the webteam and all the people who are going out and working on the site. I was on the site about two hours ago just before I did an interview with Emma B on Radio 1, catching up on what people have been saying. Check out some exclusive tracks from the album Dive In, and give me feedback at www.dariusmusic.com cos I'm looking forward to seeing you guys on the road with my band! If there's a particular track you want to see when I'm in your town, let me know!
Will you be doing a tour in the near future?
Yes, the Darius Theatre Tour starts at the end of April 2003. I've played all the major arenas now in Britain, and it's an incredible buzz, but performing in a theatre is much more intimate, and I yearn for that. I did an acoustic set at the Kashmir Club recently, with 50 people watching, and that was just magic. So in a theatre, it'll be a more intimate performance.
What's this remix of Colourblind like - is it on the album?
There have been various rumours surrounding a dance remix of Colourblind. There's no remix on the album. The story is very elaborate and taken out of context and not true! The remix is one of the best I've known. It's on the current Rushes single, on CD 1.
Having previously studied for an English Literature degree at University, you must have read a lot of books. What is your favourite book and why?
It's the Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. It sums up the hopes and dreams of every man, or woman. It's quite a tragic story but it ends with a great resolve. It's this idea that we're all reaching for something, we need to push ourselves, try harder. It's a very beautiful book - very poetic and aspirational at the end.
Was it hard to go back to Uni after Pop Stars? How did you do in your finals?
I auditioned for Pop Stars in the summer of 2000, and I was then at university. It wasn't til Jan 2001 that Popstars hit TV screens, so I was in the middle of exams when all this fuss was being made about me. It was really surreal and weird to jump from being a student to being a name that everybody knew, and thinking, did I say that? Did I do that? It was a great learning experience.
What are you doing for Christmas?
I'm having a family Christmas. A white Christmas? I don't know or care. I'm looking forward to seeing my family, and I'm looking forward to my brother dragging me out of bed on Christmas morning to see what presents Santa has bought for him. And for the New Year, we'll be eating, drinking, up all night. Edinburgh's the New Year city with fireworks and crowds, so I'm going back to my Scottish roots this year.
I saw you turn the Christmas lights on in Leeds - I'm putting my tree up in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if you do home visits?
Drop me a line at my website and I'll see what I can do!
Why did you decide to call the album 'Dive in'?
Darius: The reason it's called Dive In is because it's an invitation for you to listen to the music. If you like Colourblind, I think you'll love Dive In as an album. It's been a great nine months, working with some of the best producers in the world, so the album is an invitation to you, but for me it was also a motivational name - Dive In - for me to take the plunge. Hopefully it'll allow you to feel aspiration in whatever you do, because it's a feelgood album.
Are you already working on the next album and will you be doing even more of the producing on the next one?
I'm still writing songs all the time, whether they turn out to be B Sides or songs on the next album, you'll just have to wait and see!
That's all we've got time for. Here's Darius with a final word...
Thank you very much for logging on. It's been great to chat to you. If you have any more questions, log onto www.dariusmusic.com, to find out more about the latest news and gossip. I hope you enjoy the album Dive In and I look forward to seeing you on the Dive In tour.