Darius Comes Clean
Bliss Magazine
January 2003​
Ooh, we'd love to Dive In to those big brown eyes, but first we've got some delving of our own to do...
He's tall, dark, handsome and he proved the critics wrong by getting a No1 hit.
But is Darius, 22, tough enough to take a grillin' from you lot?
Are you still going out with your girlfriend?
I'm not. That relationship ended ages ago, although we're still friends. So I can officially confirm I'm single. I've had six girlfriends and I've always stayed friends with them. I think it's really sad if you can't do that.
Are you looking for a girlfriend at the moment?
Is that an offer?! I am, actually! But I think that whenever you look too hard for something, you're never going to find it. I could leave the studio tonight and bump into my dream girl at the bus stop- I don't know where she is and that's kind of exciting!
Who's your celebrity crush?
Well, I'd never say never, but I haven't met a celeb yet who I think has the girl-next-door quality that I look for. Obviously you don't know who you'll fall in love with, but I have a gut feeling it won't be a celeb.
When was the last time you had a snog?
A couple of weeks ago in LA with one of the girls in my music vid. It was just a bit of fun!
Would you snog a fan?
Yes - I have done and I'd do it again, as long as I knew the person liked me for who I am and not what I do.
Do you ever go out with older women?
Not really - I usually go for girls around my age but I don't think it matters that much. I have been out with an older woman once - I was about 17 and she was 34. But she thought I was 22 and I thought she was 23!
What's the worst rumour you've read about yourself in the papers?
There have been some really funny ones. Most of them have been about who I'm supposedly seeing. I've been linked with a girl from the Canadian Popstars - apparently we had some steamy sessions at The Hilton Hotel - when all I did was stand beside her for a photo at Party in the Park in Oxford! Then there was Victoria Hervey's younger sister Isabella, but I'm just friends with her 'cause her brother Fred Hervey is a mate of mine from uni.
Do you think Jordan really has slept with Gareth Gates?
Ha, ha! I really can't imagine anything more ridiculous! If they did, I reckon his hair spikes would burst her breasts! Seriously? I'm afraid you'd have to ask Gareth.
Is it true that you've got jiggy at Edinburgh Castle, on an open-top bus and in a speedboat?
This was in a trashy newspaper. They twisted stories I told them about my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I was in these situations doing things that might raise the temperature a bit - but I wasn't doing what Gareth and Jordan were doing - allegedly!
What's the weirdest fan mail you've ever received?
I was sent a carefully wrapped package recently that contained massage oils and a card which read: 'When you finish your busy schedule, I'm available to give you a massage!' and then the girl's name and number. I haven't called it yet, but I might do - unless I find out it's Jordan!
Do you cringe when you look back at yourself on Popstars?
I used to cringe but now I'm more comfortable with who I am, I can laugh. We all make mistakes and unfortunately I made mine on national TV! I just look at it as an experience.
What was your nickname at school?
Big D - for obvious reasons!
Is it true that a girl dumped you for your best mate?
No, it's not true. I was in a relationship that ended and a while later my ex started going out with a good friend of mine. It was still quite painful to deal with, but if two people want to be together then who am I to stop them? I'm still in touch with the boy and the girl, although they're not together any more. I've written a great song about the experience. but it's not been released yet. Maybe in the future....
Did you really perforate your brother's eardrum in a fight?
Yes, how on earth did you find that out? I was play-wrestling with my little brother Aria, who's 18. I punched him, he ducked and I caught him on the ear and perforated it. He got really mad and hit me with a right hook that Lennox Lewis would have been proud of, and knocked out my tooth! I had to have it fixed because I was about to make my video for Rushes. Anyway, Aria's ear's healing now, but we'll definitely be going a bit easier on each other in future!
When did you last cry?
It was during the movie Signs. I got so into the film that about three-quarters of the way through, I suddenly realised I was in tears. It must be good if it made me cry- go see it!
Do you think you've made it?
Yeah, sometimes when the record company has arranged a helicopter to get me quickly from one gig to another. I mean c'mon - helicopter rides! It's awesome! But I feel it every day when I'm in the studio or doing interviews like this one. Is great, thousands of girls are going to read this and I just find that so bizarre!
Where do you buy your pants?
I don't normally wear any! I feel that underwear can be a bit restrictive. But lately, I've had to change in front of other people, so I've been forced into some Calvin Kleins.
Have you ever broken the law?
Yes, I drove a big, fast motorbike without a licence, while we were filming the Rushes vid in downtown Los Angeles. But I'm only telling you this because it happened in America, so hopefully I won't get arrested!