Fancy A Nibble On My Magic Marshmallows?!
Smash Hits Go On A Fantasy Date With Darius
January 2003
In his new role as love lord we thought we'd take Darius on a fantasy date to find out exactly what tickles his fancy. His words of romantic wisdom will make girls blush & boys weep - he's really mastered the language of love.
OK Big D let's just say I'm your dream girl, who would ask who out?
I think it would be gentlemanly for me to ask you.
Good, would you do it over the phone or are you a text maniac?
Do you know what? I never make a plan if I really want to ask someone out. I think it's better to be spontaneous; otherwise it could come across as being to thought out, which might make me look nervous. So I might ask you out by sending a little note, or I might just knock on your door and say 'Hi'.
Oooh, well I'd definitely say YES. When you come to get me, what are you wearing?
A.Something comfortable, which I feel good in - like jeans and a cool top. I might even wear my kilt!
Well, I like a boy with sexy, hairy legs. So where are you gonna take me?
I'd take you to a great restaurant called 'Sarastro' in London. The atmosphere is awesome - it's a theatre restaurant and it's like a little grotto full of stage props and lights. It's got a Middle Eastern theme going on, with huge, luxurious cushions that you can sit on and relax. If we were on a date there, I'd make sure we had a little candlelit table and some funky Arabian music to listen to.
How would you keep the conversation flowing? We don't want any awkward silence.
I'd start off by asking you lots of personal questions - the sort of things I might only ask friends or people that I've known for a very long time.
Personal questions? Isn't that a bit cheeky on the first date?
If I ask a girl something personal and treat her as if she's someone I've known for a long time, it breaks the ice and you find out much more about them.
Are you flirting with me?
Definitely. Eye contact is very important. I think the way you look at someone can say more than a thousand words. Other forms of body language work well too. I like the coy, nervous thing of brushing somebody's hand and feeling the electricity and the tingle, so I'd probably try that as well.
Oooh that was lovely, where are we going now?
Well, we've definitely hit it off so let's go to a bar and have a drink. If the date gets even better, we could go dancing. And if the atmosphere was good, we could do my very favourite thing!
Crikey Darius, what would that be?
You could come back to my place for a big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Yes, I'd share my magic hot chocolate marshmallows with you.
Pheewww is it just me or is it getting hot in here?
Err I don't think so, are you Ok?....
Oh yes thanks - any chance of a little kiss?
That's a hard one. If it feels right and there's respect between us and it's not going to be just a one-off, I'd go for it. I don't do one night snogs and I've never had one and I wouldn't advise it. But if I'd just met you and it felt like we were going to kiss I wouldn't hold back. I'd just make sure there was going to be more snog action to come in the future.
I'm glad you take your snogging seriously.
Well, it's my golden dating rule.